29 Dies As India Reports 1463 New Cases, Tally At 10,815

With 1463 new Covid-19 infections reported in the past 24 hours, the total number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 10,815 according to the latest data from Health Ministry.
The number of deaths reported in the last 24 hours are 29 which takes the tally to 353. Out of these cases,Maharashtra tops the tally with 160 fatalities, followed by Madhya Pradesh at 43, Delhi at 28 and Gujarat at 26 while1190 cases have been recovered or discharged.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended the country-wide lockdown until 3 May. He also said that some states that could avoid being the hotspots may be allowed to resume important activities.
Modi said implementation of the lockdown will be strictly ensured in its second phase and detailed guidelines will be brought out on Wednesday to ensure that outbreak does not spread to new areas.
More than 2 lakh Covid-19 tests have been conducted so far, Press Trust of India reported, citing an official from Indian Council of Medical Research or ICMR.