Controversial Examination Results leads Deaths

The release of the intermediate examination results is a pathway to the future as the marks decide which university to opt for, however, in Telangana the intermediate examination (12th) result lead to deaths of 19 students since mid –April.
Nineteen students have ended their lives in the state of Telangana since mid-April after the result was declared.
The parents, thousands in numbers have protested against the markings and the evaluation of the test papers of their kids. The marks given in the papers are not been awarded correctly or in most of the cases awarded with a zero. As these results lead to the university admissions the future of a child is depending on these intermediate examination results.
As of the students they are in shock, there are some students who say that they were present for the exam paper but still either they have been marked as absent or rewarded zero marks in a specific subject where they expected the highest.