Crypto-Currency CEO dies taking password worth $190 Million

A 30-year-old CEO of Crypto-Currency Gerald Cotten reportedly deceased because of Crohn’s disease in India taking with him a password locked up worth absolutely $190 Million!
Security experts have tried their heart out to unlock the password but all the efforts went in vain.
CEO of Quadriga CX Gerald Cotten died while travelling to India for opening an orphanage to provide home and safety for children in need.
The death news came on to public only when the failure of unlocking passwords for releasing the assets went on to the Canadian Courts.
Quadriga CX asked the Nova Scotia Supreme Court “to allow us the opportunity to address the significant financial issues that have affected our ability to serve our customers.”
Attempting to locate and secure cryptocurrencies reserves held in cold wallets are done extensively. Unfortunately, these efforts have been not successful.
Looking at this running context, conspiracies are piling to understand the death of CEO was natural or there’s any scam involving in causing murder. They are looking into the proofs about India’s travel of Gerald Cotten.