Great personalities who proved disability can't stop success

Disabled people often hold themselves back and blame their fate for their disability. There are a few who think disability is just the state of mind. They just don’t overcome their disability but also pave way for helping other disabled people. Here is a list of such inspiring Indians.
Preethi Srinivasan –
The captain of the under-19 cricket team of Tamil Nadu, Preethi was unfortunate and her entire body below neck got paralyzed in a swimming accident. She started an organization called Soulfree and inspires many women who suffer from disabilities. Her organization helps them in fulfilling their potential by providing a basic quality of life.
Sai Prasad Vishwanathan –
As a kid, Sai Prasad lost the sensation of the lower half of his body. But he didn’t let disability take over his life and he became India’s first skydiver and his name was featured in Limca book of world records. He became the first Indian with a disability to skydive from 14000 feet. He founded an organization named Sahasra, that provides scholarships to financially disadvantaged students.
Satendra Singh –
When Satendra was just nine months old, he contracted polio. His efforts in making public places accessible to the person with disabilities are commendable. He made ATMs disabled-friendly by constructing ramps. He took similar initiatives for the post office, medical institutes and polling booths. He is also the founder of Infinite Ability – a medical humanities group on disability.
Javed Abidi –
He got permanent never damage when his developmental congenital disorder was not treated for eight years. By the age of 15, he was confined to a wheel-chair. But this disability didn’t stop him and went abroad to complete his education and became a journalist. He is the founder of Disability Rights Group and the director of the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) in India.
Dr. Suresh Advani –
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in India was started by oncologist Dr. Suresh Advani. At the age of eight, he got polio and was bound to wheel-chair. But he didn’t lose hope and pursued his dreams. He became the first oncologist in India to have successfully done a bone-marrow transplant.
Sadhna Dhand –
Sadhna, who is 3.3 feet tall, lost her hearing ability at the age of 12. She suffers from brittle bone disease. But her passion for painting and photography kept her going and she has won many awards including national award. She is an active social worker and teaches her skills to students at her house. She also donates to various organizations working for disabled children.