Lakhs Of Lucky Applicants Will Get H1B Visa In 2023!

The USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services) received 483,927 H-1B cap registrations this fiscal. This is roughly 57% increase over the fiscal 2022 filing season.
USCIS has selected 127,600, 26% of the total, of the total registrations to meet the H-1B quota. The govt has selected a much higher number of registrations in the initial lottery than last year.
For the fiscal 2023 filing season, registrations were submitted by over 48,000 prospective petitioners, 31% of that were for the Master’s cap.
What Next?
Sponsoring employers whose registrations were accepted have until June 30 to file the visa applications. After this, applications will be processed, including calling for more information – if need be.
The earliest the selected beneficiaries (H-1B cap workers) can begin their work in the US will be October 1.
A 2nd lottery could be conducted If the number of visa applications received by June 30 fall shorts the annual quota.
The US approved 407,071 H-1B petitions in 2021, and 301,616 of them – almost 74.1%– were for Indian workers.
Trailing India are China with 12.1%, Canada with 0.9%, South Korea with 0.9 %, and the Philippines with 0.7%.