Mum Spends Rs.7.5 Lakh On A Weird Addiction

In shocking news from Paignton, a woman has a bizarre addiction to eating talcum powder. Lisa Anderson consumes a nearly half-pound bottle of talcum every day. Isn’t that shocking?
Her addiction to eating the talcum powder started 15 years ago, after the birth of her fifth child. She revealed that she had a strong urge to eat the same. According to her, she has spent an estimated £8,000 (approx. Rs 7.55 lakhs) on Johnson’s Baby Powder and around £10 (approx. Rs 1,000) a week to feed her addiction.
She told that she would sneak to the bathroom every 30 minutes to consume the powder. She kept her habit secret for a decade before confiding in her ex-partner and has now plucked up the courage to get professional help.
According to her, the longest she has lived without the powder is for two days and claimed it to be the worst time of her life. Also, when she is out of the house, she munches on extra strong mints that satisfy her craving for the chalky texture.
At present, both Lisa and her current partner fear the potential links between talcum powder and cancer. Furthermore, the mother had no clue about her condition for the longest time.
Talcum powder is made from talc and the mineral is said to be poisonous to the body if inhaled or consumed. Breathing problems are the most common side effect, apart from coughs and eye irritations.