Nirav Modi Gets Golden Visa to Enter UK

From one of the sources of UK government, it was known that Nirav Modi was given ‘golden visa' a tier-1 issued by the British government for the investors outside the European Union on a deal to invest 2 million euros in UK government bonds or shares of a company.
Visa to Modi was issued on his Indian passport according to the sources. Since the time of case filed by enforcement directorate Nirav Modi has been on the run from India.
A golden visa allows a person to work, study or set up a business in the UK. the one-time investment of 2 million euros has to remain invested for five years before the visa holder becoming eligible for permanent residency. But that can be accelerated if more is invested. Application for the visa can be made overseas.
Although the exact date of Modi's entry into the UK is not known, it was known that he flew in from New York towards the end of February-after the Rs 13000 crore scam had blown up and he was spotted at a luxury hotel in New York. Modi's passport was revoked in February, but the golden visa was, issued a few years ago. Revocation of the passport does not affect the validity of the visa.