Now India To London By Bus

Now it could be possible to connect two of the biggest and busiest capitals of world, Delhi and London by road to travel via bus that may take approximately 70 days to reach the destination.
A Gurgaon based private company made an announcement on 15th August about their new plan “Bus To London”. According to the announcement now travelers can go to London by road and the travel time will be 70 days. This will be a one-way trip.
It will be the longest bus journey in the world. The bus will travel through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and France. The journey will begin in May 2021.
One of the most interesting part about this bus journey is that you can plan the trip to any of the countries and get down at that stop and others from those countries can board to go somewhere else as well.
The tour will begin from April 18. It will end on June 8. The cost of the tour is Rs 22 lakh per person. It will start from Imphal.