People Need To Follow Social Distancing Till 2022, Says Harvard Researchers

A group of researchers at Harvard, in a study published in the journal Science have clearly warned people all over the world to practice social distancing till 2022 to stop COVID-19 from surging.
According to the research, lifting social-distancing measures all at once might create problems and will not help to prevent the virus from spreading further.
“Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded,” they wrote in the report. “To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022.”
Nearly 2 million people had contracted Covid-19 worldwide, with 127,590 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
The study also says that long-time distancing might result in negative impacts on social, economic and educational aspects of the society.
But effective distancing could reduce the strain on health care systems and enable contact tracing and quarantine to be feasible. They also said that it is to be known that whether people can become immune to the virus after they have contracted it.