President Donald Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

United States President Donald Trump has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2021 for his role in brokering a deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
“It is for his contribution to peace between Israel and the UAE. It is a unique deal,” Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of parliament for the right-wing Progress Party told.
Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination comes just weeks before the crucial US presidential elections, where the Republican’s presidential candidate is running a politically charged campaign against his rival Joe Biden.
President Trump retweeted a link to the Jerusalem Post’s article about his nomination, saying simply, “Thank you!
In his nomination letter to the Nobel committee, Tybring-Gjedde said that the Trump administration has played a key role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE.
Also, On November 3, 2020, Americans will hold elections and vote to elect a new government for the next four years or re-elect Trump for a second term.