Relief For H1B Visa Holders

Indian travelers stuck in the US in the wake of the coronavirus travel restrictions get a big relief as the US Department of State has announced that because of many international flights that have been canceled and ports of entry shut in the US, travelers can apply to USCIS (the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) for extensions to those visas.
"USCIS is taking a very appropriate decision in this crisis time. Visas for instance, where an extension is being requested today and you are going to a country where the flights have been taken down, can readily be expected to be favorably received by USCIS, whereas say 2 months ago that would not have been the case. If flights are available and your visa’s coming to an end, you would have been expected to get on one of those flights and return home," the homeland security official said in response to a question from the media.
“Considering the challenges that travel restrictions all over the world, not just in the US, is placing on individuals' abilities to sincerely abide by the terms of their visas, we do understand that and, USCIS, I think you will find to be very accommodating”, Official added.