The US Is Preparing A New H-1B Visa Change That Would Help Thousands Of Indian IT Workers.

A non-immigrant visa called the H-1B permits US businesses to hire foreign nationals for specialised jobs that need for theoretical or technical competence.
The US is preparing to begin "domestic visa revalidation" in some categories on a trial basis with the aim of expanding it in the following several years, a move that might help tens of thousands of foreign tech workers on H-1B and L1 visas.
When fully implemented, the pilot initiative, which will be introduced later this year, would provide a great deal of relief for thousands of Indian computer experts working in the US.
Until 2004, several non-immigrant visa classifications, most notably the H-1B, allowed for in-country renewal or stamping. Following that, foreign tech professionals must leave the nation, usually to their home country, to renew their visas, especially those on H-1B, and get the H-1B extension stamped in their passports.
All H-1B visa holders must have the renewal dates on their passports stamped every time their visa is extended. If they want to leave the country and come back, they must do this. Re-stamping of H-1B visas is not now permitted in the US.