Tips & Tricks To Treat Blackheads

Blackheads are one of the most common forms of acne that people of any age can face. Oily skin is more vulnerable to blackheads.
Dead skin cells and excess oil clog pores within them and their exposure to air cause them to turn black. This results in the formation of blackheads. Face, back, neck, chest, arms, and shoulders are mainly affected by them.
Who doesn’t want a clear complexion with zero blackheads? A senior cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Mohan Thomas, suggests methods to get rid of them.
- Night creams and serums that exfoliate clogged pores works well
- A skin brush can be used to achieve the above-mentioned purpose
- Clay and charcoal masks are effective on blackheads.
- Moisturiser must always be used to keep skin healthy, irrespective of skin is dry or oily
- Comedogenic makeup should be avoided.
- Steaming is a good option to open up clogged pores.