VITEEE, May 9th Beginning Of Councilling

The Vellore Institute Of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) 2019 had held their exams from April 10th to 21st in 124 selected cities across India as well as abroad like Dubai, Kuwait, Muscat, and Qatar. Now that the results are out so the counseling will begin from the 9th of May.
The first rank in this exam was scored by Saketika Chekuri, a student, Karnataka, and the second one were secured by Gurajala Joel Moses from Andhra Pradesh. These entrance exams are held for many types of B.Tech Programs offered by VIT at Vellore Chennai Amravati and Bhopal.
Counseling for the candidates will begin from May 9th to 15th May, according to the marks students have secured. The dates are adjusted according to the slabs of the marks like up to 10,000 the date is 9th May, 10,001 to 30,000 10th May, 30,001 to 50,000 May 11th, and so on the last slab of 90,001 to 1,10,000 would be held on 15th May.
There will be a waiver for all four years fees or only tuition fees per semesters according to the marks secured by the students.