Health Tips for Child Nutrition Children’s Day Special

Today is the most delightful day for Children – it’s children’s day!
Children’s day is celebrated every year on November 14 in India as a tribute to Jawaharlal Nehru as it is his birthday.
Jawaharlal Nehru was well-known as Chacha Nehru and he is fond of children. He was a freedom fighter and first Prime Minister of India.
As a children’s day special, Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar is asking all the parents to follow some strict rules for your future and say ‘NO’ to caffeine, cola and chocolates to children.
Also, she suggested parents not to give mobile phones to the kids under any situation. According to Rujuta, saying 'no' to children can protect them from cardio metabolic risks in the future.
Parents should spend more time with children and should eat with them sitting on the floor. Sitting on the high chairs can give back and knee pains in future.
It is also important for the kids to play outside at least for 90 minutes a day which could be a good physical activity and entertainment for them.
Due to this, they can assimilate proteins, vitamins and other essential nutrients from the food that they eat.
Children lose touch with their satiety signals when they eat while watching TV, and they don't know when to stop eating, Rujuta said.
This children’s day, let us give up all the unhealthy things that spoil our kids bright future!