Will Pawan kalyan come back to movies?

There had been days since the close of elections where Pawan Kalyan didn’t turn up to media or Janasena meetings. There was only a subtle remark made by the Janasena president on the election day and he is been quiet after the elections. He didn’t even speak out to media at the death of SPY Reddy who was contesting for Janasena.
Since then there has been huge speculations and criticization on Pawan calling him as a part-time politician. The election heat and the following changes in the national politics made up the oppositions grab more strength in calling Pawan unfit for politics.
Political experts also feel the same about the Janasena president’s behavior. They claim that Pawan Kalyan should be in contact at least with his cadre and supporters and keep them motivated to withstand in any circumstances. Though there’s a lot of political heat running out in the state Pawan Kalyan seems to be unbothered and remains dormant.
According to the latest speculations, Pawan Kalyan will be coming back to the sets and will be working simultaneously both in movies and politics un-altered. Going by the news Pawan Kalyan fans are rejoicing while political critics and opposition leaders are targeting this thread. Let us hope Pawan Kalyan gives us the affirmed clarity about his future proceedings.