Xiaomi, Oneplus Smartphone Tops the List of Phones Emitting the Highest Radiation Level

Mobile phones have become a necessity these days with barely anyone seen without mobile phones. However, people are unaware of the problems these persistent use can cause to their health.
Smartphones have become an integral part of one's life but the electronic gadget comes with a probable risk, that is, exposure to radiation. According to a report published by The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection, there is a high level of radiation emitted by both new and old smartphones. In the list published by them. Xiaomi's Mi A1 has topped the list with it being the device emitting maximum radiation.
Xiaomi and Oneplus have dominated the list while the Samsung phone has been the least radiation emitting devices.P articularly, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has emerged as the lowest radiation-emitting phone with a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 0.17 watts per kilogram.
Eight of the top 16 handsets in the list were from Xiaomi and Oneplus, both having 4 devices each in the list while Google, Apple, Sony, HTC and ZTE have their devices in the list as well.
The German certification for environmental friendliness, also known as Der Blaue Engel (Blue Angel), only certifies phones that have a specific absorption rate of fewer than 0.60 watts per kilogram and all of the phones listed in the list have more than double the threshold value.