20 Killed in Deadly Shoot in Texas!

According to Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, a gunman opened fire at a shopping center in El Paso on Saturday and killed 20 people, injured 26 others. A 21-year-old white man is a suspect and was in custody now, the police said. The gunman had fired an A.K.-47-style rifle into a Walmart store which is crowded and made people strive for their lives. Later, he had surrendered to the police, officials said. The officials identified the gunman as Patrick Crusius.
The gunfire began around 11 AM on Saturday in a commercial district near Cielo Vista Mall with many restaurants and stores which are often crowded on the weekends. The Walmart, near Hawkins Boulevard and Gateway Boulevard West a short distance from the mall was very crowded at that time. Chief Greg Allen of the El Paso Police Department said that the officials were exploring potential capital murder charges for the suspect.
The F.B.I. is checking the evidence to determine if they have to move forward with federal charges, but Emmerson Buie Jr., the special agent in charge, said that the F.B.I. had not determined whether the shooting was a hate crime or there is any other reason. Currently, the case comes under the state murder investigation.
Witnesses have explained the violent scene. “We heard shots and saw smoke,” said Victor Gamboa. Victor is 18 and works at the McDonald’s inside the Walmart store where the shooting took place. “I saw a man on the floor full of blood. He appeared to be dead. It happened very quickly,” she added. Gamboa said that he and other McDonald’s workers inside the Walmart helped the customers and kept them safe and gathered them close on the ground for 15 minutes. Officers then arrived and escorted the group out to a Sam’s Club store across the street.