Another Good News In Favour Of Drug Remdesivir

The anti-viral drug, Remdesivir which is known to reduce the hospital stays has shown one more promise in the fight against COVID-19.
According to a study published in the journal Cell Reports, Remdesivir potently inhibited the virus which causes Covid-19 in human lung cell cultures and improved lung function in mice infected with the virus, which is instead good news in a fight against combating the virus.
“All of the results with Remdesivir have been very encouraging, even more so than we would have hoped,” said study author Andrea Pruijssers from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in the US.
According to the new results, 74% of patients treated with Remdesivir had recovered by their 14th day of hospitalization, compared to 59% of those who did not get the drug.
The drug, Remdesivir has not been given a clean chit for widespread use by the US Food and Drug Administration, but it has been given emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19 patients.
The United States has bought nearly 90 percent of the stocks of drug Remdesivir from the US-based sole manufacture of it, Gilead.