Another Largest IT Organization To Allow Moonlighting

We are aware of the news that the moonlighting issue shook the entire IT industry. It received a mixed response from many IT companies, as not many organizations were happy with their employees working for other companies at the same time.
In this context, India’s fifth largest IT service company Tech Mahindra has revealed that it is working on a policy that will allow moonlighting for their employees.
C. P. Gurnani, the CEO and MD of the company, said that they have no objection to work other jobs following the rules of the company as Tech Mahindra is a digital company and not a legacy firm.
“We are working on a policy, but we operate in 90 countries and have to adhere to all the labour laws in these geographies and I am happy, if somebody is productive, is complying with all brand guidance, customer relationship guidance, values, and wants to do another job, we are fine,” he stated.
On the other hand, Tech Mahindra posted a net profit of Rs 1285 crore on a consolidated basis in July-September and this is 4 % less than the corresponding quarterly profit of Rs 1,339 crore. Revenue increased by 20.7 % from Rs.10,881 cr to Rs.13,129 cr.