After the blockbuster of Ismart Shankar, Charmme Kaur has become active on social media, especially on Instagram. The success of the film has raised the confidence levels in this girl drastically. She is now working on multiple projects along with director Puri Jagannadh. Today, Charmee has shared a pic on Instagram where she is seen grinning ear to ear. She called herself a secret ingredient. "Even if you give them the recipe, the sauce won’t taste the same 😉 I'm the secret ingredient 😜 #wokeupnaughty 😁 He he heeeeee," Charmme captioned the pic.
It seems that the pic was taken immediately after she woke up as the hashtag, #wokeupnaughty says it all. Though some Insta users praised her, one user called her ‘cartoon’. A couple of pics of Charmme were clicked by cinematographer Vishnu Sarma when Vijay Devarakonda and Puri were busy with Vijay’s styling. "So while @thedeverakonda gets his styling n look done at @aalimhakim along with @purijagannadh, our DOP @vishnu_sarma decides to click some pics of me 😁😁 PS - our fighter’s new look is shaping out killer," Charmee said.
It is being reported that Puri is trying to rope in Bollywood beauty Janhvi Kapoor opposite Vijay in the film. Charmme and Puri are also working on the film Romantic, with Puri’s son Akash in the lead.
Charmme, who started her career in the film industry as a lead actress, has finally settled down as a producer. Though her initial films were hits, all her recent flicks failed to impress the audience. Sri Anjaneyam, Mass, Anukokunda Oka Roju, Lakshmi, Style, and Pournami are some of her hit films.