Chiranjeevi To work with Bimbisara director?

A while back, megastar Chiranjeevi went on a signing binge, lining up numerous new projects that are currently in various stages of development.
Recently, there have been rumours that Chiranjeevi and Bimbisara director Vassishta are in negotiations about working together, and this project may soon come to fruition.
However, it turns out that neither the project nor the rumours around it are true. It seems that there is not the slightest bit of validity to these rumours.
It appears that Vikki from UV Creations once only took Vassishta to meet Chiranjeevi. Since then, no communication has taken place. However, several media outlets utilised the same to report that the director of Bimbisara was going to collaborate with Chiru. Chiru already has a full schedule and won't reveal any new projects until he is no longer bound by his current obligations.