Elon Musk’s Electric Plane Idea – Turning to Reality?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and co-founder of PayPal, ranks 21st in Forbes list of the world’s most powerful people. He revolutionized the auto industry in a short time-span. Elon who is also the product architect of Tesla, Inc. proposed the idea of an electric plane way back in 2008. Across the years, he has stated this idea in various conferences. In 2017, he told, “electric planes are not inconceivable I would do an electric plane, but we are not quite there in terms of the energy density of batteries for an electric plane.”
Tesla, who is obsessed with electric vehicles, is planning to roll out an electric powered semi-truck and a pick-up truck in the near future. Recently, they acquired Maxwell Technologies, a battery technology company, for $218 million. Musk claimed in annual shareholders meeting that, “While 300 watt-hours seemed a reasonable claim, Tesla has a ‘path’ to 500 watt-hours. Tesla is looking to acquire more battery companies ”.
Aviation industry alone accounts for 12% of global carbon emissions. With electric plane coming to reality, the aviation industry will get a renewable source of energy.