Gauahar Khan And Zaid Darbar Wedding Images
Bollywood actress and Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan fell in love with Zaid Darbar during the lockdown. The couple tied the knot today (December 25)at a plush hotel in Mumbai on Saturday, December 25. They are going to have a gala reception at 7 pm at the same venue. They celebrated their mehendi and haldi function on Thursday evening, December 24, with their family members along with a few close friends and made their presence felt.
Let's take a look at some ravishing images from the wedding ceremony:
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar married in the traditional 'nikaah' ceremony. They agreed to be each other's life partner by saying ‘Qubool Hai’. The couple complemented each other in matching outfits, bride glowed in heavy jewelry in cream and green hue and Zaid also wore traditional outfits.
Gauahar Khan couldn't stop blushing as she sat with her boyfriend Zaid by holding her hand forever. He also kissed her hand in front of all, their cousins whistled and cheered out of excitement. Gauahar's elder sister Nigaar Khan was also seen in one of the pic posed with the couple, and looked elegant. The couple will be hosting a grand reception party for their loved ones at today 7 pm itself.