Golden Jubliee For ISRO!

As India celebrated its 73rd Independence Day yesterday, ISRO celebrated its golden jubilee. Headquartered at Bengaluru, ISRO was founded on 15th August 1969. ISRO’s vision is, “harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research and planetary exploration”. 2019 is also the centenary year of Vikram Sarabhai, the father of India’s Space Programme.
ISRO has achieved a lot in these past fifty years. The space agency always liked to work without much fuss. This year it reached another milestone in its journey, with the launch of the second mission to Moon – Chandrayaan 2.
Initially, the motive of the Indian space program was to help the citizens of India and it was focused on earth observation and communication. “We have no fantasies of landing people on the Moon or studying other planets”, Sarabhai once said.
“Sarabhai’s initial vision that space science and technology must be used for the benefit of the common man has been the guiding force for ISRO. And, all our programs were centered around this vision, which led to several application. Now that we are meeting all those demands, we are on the path of planting new seeds, benefits of which will be reaped in the future”, K Sivan agency’s chief says.
Once, ISRO heavily depended on help from foreign countries to build and launch satellites, now it helps other countries in doing so. Give a thought at this, ISRO has launched a total of 239 commercial satellites, in the past three years.