India Missing About 90 Infections For Every Covid Case, Latest Analysis Shows

According to new research conducted, it was found out that India is missing 90 infections for every case detected of COVID-19.
An analysis was made on last month’s Covid-19 numbers in India and conducted by members of a panel formed by the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
It was also revealed that states like Delhi and Kerala had missed about 25 infections for every case. However, other states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar would have missed about 300 infections for every COVID-19 confirmed case.
The total positive tests on a given day were counted and the pattern was studied to arrive at an estimate of the actual number of infections in the population. A proper state-wise analysis of daily Covid test was being done to arrive at the decision.
Manindra Agrawal, a member of the committee and a professor at IIT Kanpur told that the infections that were missed resulted from the fact that those people never tested as they never exhibited any symptoms.
Meanwhile, the country’s total number of COVID-19 infections is now at 1,00,75,116. The number of Covid-related deaths reported from across the country has risen to a total to 1,46,111.