Missiles To Japan, South Korea-US

The tensions between North Korean Leader Kim Jong UN and United States President Donald Trump are beneficial for Japan and South Korea. United State Department has approved more than $ 600 million in sales of air defense missiles to South Korea and Japan.
As the tensions of US returns with North Korea State department approved 94 SM-2 missiles used in Navy against the air threats, these come along with 12 guidance systems with the total cost of $ 313.9 million.
Japan gets the additional benefit of getting an anti-air AMRAAM missile and the guidance related equipment for the cost of $ 317 million.
The State Department stated in this deals, that the deals will support the Foreign Policy as well as national security objectives of the United States. The deal also will assist as the key to the states, which will formally co-operate with US for military purpose, and the missiles will not be disturbing the basic balance of the military in the region.