Isha Foundation, Tamil Nadu has celebrated Mahashivratri yesterday in a grand manner. Sadhguru, who rose to fame in recent years, has become an ideal man to youth and is trying continuously to empower them. Many common people and celebrities have attended the event and made it successful. After the prayers, a musical band had entertained people followed by dances. Among all, Sadhguru’s dance caught the attention.
Many Indian actors are well known to Sadhguru. Many of them have even interviewed Sadhguru on different topics. Yesterday, Actress Kajal Aggarwal, her sister Nisha Aggarwal, Manchu Lakshmi and some well-known faces have attended the event. Kajal looked simple in a decent dress and Nisha appeared in similar attire. As it is an ashram, it is obvious there would be a rule of dressing up decently.
Also, actress Renu Desai and her daughter were seen at the event. Renu, sharing the photo of her daughter on Instagram, wrote “Shiv, Shankar, Rudra, Ardhanareshwar and a thousand more names we address this Supreme energy with. For me, it is not just a God that I worship. For me, it’s an energy. Infinite, uncontainable and omnipresent.”
“Om Namah Shivaya an entire existence breathes and pulsates like a live living organism. This energy is like NadhBramha, an unstruck sound. The primordial. This energy is just not about being the God of death. It is about the death of your ego, your false sense of self. Death of duality. Merging us in our source of origin where time itself is timeless and existence, formless. I bow down to this energy and completely surrender myself to it,” she added.