Revised COVID19 Testing Strategy Gives Relaxation!

While people are very much worried about the Corona Virus that has taken the entire world by storm, the Department of Health Research, Indian Council of Medical Research, and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare released a revised COVID19 testing strategy which gives us some relaxation. They informed us that there is no community spread of the virus currently and there is no need for creating panic everywhere!
And the disease is primarily reported in individuals who have travel history to the affected countries or close contacts of positive cases. Therefore, there is no need for testing all individuals. A home quarantine of 14 days is imposed for the people who have a direct close physical contact of the laboratory-confirmed positive cases and also to the people who traveled to high-risk areas of COVID 19 in the last 14 days.
If the people feel symptomatic in these 14 days, they have to attend a laboratory test by consulting the helpline number +91-11-23978046 and those who didn’t find any symptoms can relax. Also, it is informed that this is an evolving strategy, depending on the situation. The outbreak has made people feel fear like anything. Though this revised strategy gives a bit of relaxation, it is a must to follow some preventive measures.
As already government, movie people, a few politicians, and others are spreading the awareness about the virus, it is a must for everyone to feel it as a social responsibility to create awareness in people as much as possible. Avoiding public gatherings, staying at home until unless it is urgent, using sanitizers, and taking little steps to take care of ourselves is the least we can do!