'The US President Committed To Modernizing The Immigration System In The Country.'

With President Joe Biden’s young supporters feeling let down on immigration, White House officials assert that “restoring order, fairness, and humanity to our immigration system” continue to be his priorities.
Many young people helped mobilize voters for Biden, even when they couldn’t vote themselves. They now feel let down by the President and the Democrats, who they feel haven’t pushed hard enough to deliver on the promises made, NPR reported.
Biden took swift action on his 1st day in office and reversed several of his predecessor Trump’s harsh immigration policies, NPR noted.
The president signed an executive order to stop construction of the southern border wall, lifted a travel ban on several predominantly Muslim nations, and unveiled plans for putting millions of undocumented immigrants on the road to citizenship, the report said.
“But a year later, that legislation has gone nowhere, and many of his other efforts have stalled, frustrating supporters and energizing opponents ahead of midterm elections,” NPR noted.
“Our immigration system is outdated and in bad need of reform, But this Administration is committed to working day in and day out to provide relief to immigrants and bring our immigration system into the 21st century.”, Biden said.