A 11-Year-Old Girl Raises 6.2 Lakh For The Needy In Hyderabad

A 11-year-old girl from the city of Hyderabad has raised Rs.6.2 lakh under her initiative, ‘Care-ona’ to help the underprivileged families in the time of crisis.
Girl name Ridhi is a 6th grade student at International School of Hyderabad, ICRISAT and when she heard about the lockdown and those in need nowadays, she took herself to distribute 200 ration kits to the vulnerable.
‘Charity begins at home’, and following it, Ridhiused her own pocket money in the donation and requested others including her family members and relatives to donate for the same by writing a letter to them. She is also a youth member of an NGO, TEACares Foundation.
Cyberabad police helped Ridhi identify the most vulnerable people without ration cards and they were able to distributeas many as 726 kits so far to the people of NadigadaTanda of Miyapur and ChandaNaikThanda of Madhapur in Hyderabad.
“I requested my near and dear ones because I wanted them to know that many people are struggling for food,” said Ridhi.
Money collected will be further used to buy more food supplies for the less privileged. Volunteers from an NGO are helping pack the kits.