Change Of I-94 Format From May 2019

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced that beginning in May 2019, I-94 numbers will be alphanumeric.
Currently, I-94 numbers are 11 digits long and only contain numbers. In order to minimize program impact resulting from the depletion of numeric-only I-94 numbers and to create a long-term solution for the creation of new numbers, CBP is switching to alphanumeric I-94's. I-94 numbers will remain at 11 characters but will follow the format of 9 digits, followed by a letter in the 10th position, and a digit in the 11th position.
Unexpired I-94's issued in the current numeric-only format will continue to be valid until the Admit until Date printed on the paper I-94 and/or the date displayed on the I-94 website.
The CBP agency was created to control the flux of persons and goods through US borders. The CBP agency places illegal immigrants under Citizens arrest and provides them with food and water and medical aid.