Geo-Tagging Of COVID-19 Suspected Houses In Hyderabad

As a precautionary measure to contain the spread of coronavirus in the state, the government in Hyderabad has started Geo-tagging the houses of suspected COVID-19 patients under Rachakonda Police Commissioner.
The geo-tagging is done to keep a check on the patients if they are maintaining home quarantine. It’s been specifically done through the TS Cop app to the houses of the people who returned from foreign countries. It will help the government check if the medical services are properly given or not.
Police will record data related to the number of days they have been quarantined and time they have spent after returning from outside. The geo-tagging will be interlinked to the patrolling tabs to help the police learn about the houses and track the people put under home quarantine.
After a number of COVID19 cases in states increased, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have already locked down themselves. Coronavirus cases in India have crossed the 400 mark with 8 deaths reported to date.