Indian Immigrants' Equality Walk in Chicago in Support of S386

For many years now, Indian nationals are being affected by green card backlogs. As the situation is getting worse, especially among the H-1B visa community, an equality walk is being held in Chicago in support of the Senate bill S386, which is being blocked by Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin. The initiative has been organized by a group 'Illinois Immigration Forum'. Several Indian organizations from Illinois and other Midwest states are part of this. A huge crowd has been observed today and kids too showed up.
“The companion H.R.1044 passed the US House of Representatives in July with an overwhelming majority and it is one step away from becoming law of the land. Sen. Lee mentioned two weeks back in a town hall that Sen. Durbin, the senior senator from Illinois, is opposed to the unanimous consent," one of the organizers said.
Must Read: #S386 High-Skilled Immigrants Act