Indo American Artist Offers Help In COVID-19 Crisis

Crises bring out the best and the worst in people!
As people fight over that last loaf of bread or that last roll of toilet paper at US supermarkets, the poor and the elderly are often left high and dry. To help them out, Chicago based Indo American artist Syed Rehman has devised a plan.
Rehman on Instagram offered to come to the help of anyone who may need help – for buying groceries, medicines, and essentials. His COVID-19 initiative was inspired by a Facebook group offering to deliver and pick groceries for anyone who may need them.
His post created a ripple effect as a lot of people from across the country started posting about their availability to help out during this phase of social distancing.
“As an individual and as a company we have always been very mindful about giving back,” said Rehman about his initiative.
“There are a lot of elderly and immunocompromised people in each of our neighborhoods, my family and my team are at their call,” Rehman said.
Rehman, who hails from Hyderabad, India, plans to take this initiative a step ahead. “We realize that not everyone will call for help. So, next week, we are going to hang flyers on people’s doors offering our help.”