Number Of Visa Drop Box Appointments In The US Will Be Maxed In Summer Of 2022

Post-pandemic, US visa stamping, and issuing of new visas remain hot topics for Indians. The American mission in India is working to clear confusion on how the visa situation will be in the coming months.
The US Consulate in Chennai hosted a live Q and A session with Don Heflin, Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs for India, answering queries about visa appointments and consulate operations.
One of the major takeaway was the news that the US embassy and consulates have a goal to issue about 800,000 visas in the next 12 months.
With this encouraging news comes the update that US missions in India plan to operate at about 2/3rd of their capacity for 2022. So, one can still expect some delays.
It was also clarified that the consulates cannot work full capacity due to budget, staffing issues, hiring people and other Pandemic induced restrictions.
It was also made clear that dropbox appointments are mandatory and the bad news comes in the form of the update that the dropbox slots are maxed out for summer.