Rajeev Kumar Moves To Supreme court

A vacation bench containing, Justice Indira Banerjee and Sanjiv Khanna was mentioned a with a matter for urgent listing, by Rajeev Kumar’s Lawyer for seeking an extension of the seven-day protection granted to him by Supreme court.
Ex-Kolkata Commissioner Rajiv Kumar was granted with protection by the apex court, on Monday Kumar moved to the Supreme Court for the seven-day extension of protection in the matter was he had connections with the Saradha chit fund scam case.
The seven-day extension was needed by Kumar as Kolkata courts are presently on strike. The apex court had given four days to approach the competent court for legal remedies, however, due to the strike the time of four days has already elapsed and so they now need more time to approach the competent court in Kolkata.
The bench, however, stated that the order on 17th May was passed by three bench judges, they can approach to that bench for the registry for a listing of the matter.