Ravi Prakash & Murthy Are Not TV9 Directors now – TV9 Management

TV9 Management finally confirmed that Ravi Prakash and MKVN Murthy are not part of TV9 anymore. Though Ravi Prakash told he is TV9 CEO and he is not going to be arrested, today by 6 PM, he has resigned ‘forcefully’. He said that he was ‘arm twisted’.
The new TV9 management came out and released an official press note saying that Ravi Prakash and MKVN Murthy are not the directors of TV9 anymore, saying the reason that they were removed due to malafide intentions to control the company.
Alanda Media & Entertainments Pvt Ltd which acquired 90.54 percent shares in Associated Broadcasting Pvt Ltd (ABCPL) in August 2018 has confirmed it today evening officially.