Six Isolated Tribe Encounters: The Results are Usually as Violent As US National's Death

American missionary John Allen Chau was killed by the Sentinelese, a tribe with a history of murdering unwanted intruders, who has no connection with the outside world.They represent some of the last people on earth whose life was completely undisturbed by modern civilization.
Jonathan Mazower of Survival International, which campaigns for the protection of isolated tribes, said that there are 100 such tribes that are known about around the world.The majority of these tribes are found in the Amazon rainforest, and remaining tribes exist in New Guinea, in forests and on islands around the globe.
These nomadic hunter-gatherers deny industrial society at any cost and the results are usually violent, when modernity comes to them.
"Sometimes they will have in their collective memory a massacre, a violent incident, or a disease or epidemic -- so very often, there are well-founded reasons for these tribes to not want to have anything to do with the outside world”, Mazower told.
It is illegal for outsiders to land on Sentinelese and that has taken away the lives of many, and recently, Chau’s.According to Survival International, in 2006, members of the tribe killed two poachers who had been fishing in the waters illegally surrounding their home island, North Sentinel Island, after their boat drifted ashore.
Before two years, in the wake of the ruinous 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, a member of the group was photographed on a beach on the island, firing arrows at a helicopter which was sent to check on their welfare.According to India's 2011 census, only 15 Sentinelese were estimated to remain on the island.
According to the country's Ministry of Tribal Affairs, India's government has stuck to an vision to ensure that poachers do not enter North Sentinel Island, without involving much into it.
For decades, this tribe left tools and pieces of their homes as the clues to their existence, before moving to Mato Grosso, Brazil.But in 2013, for the first time, a Brazilian government employee made a chance encounter with the group, capturing them on video.
In the clip, members of the tribe walk through the forest naked, holding arrows, before fleeing when they sense an outsider nearby.“There are thought to be probably no more than 30 left, the others having been massacred by campers and loggers," Mazower explained.
Also, they are living very uncertain lives, where the area surrounding their territory rapidly being cleared for agricultural work.Javary River valley tribe In August, another uncontacted tribe in the Amazon were caught on film for the first time.
A drone camera caught tribes in the Javery River valley, but no one observed them. One of the figures carries a spear or pole, while four or five others stand near that seems to be a thatched structure.
The area along the Brazil-Peru border is home to many of the world's uncontacted groups.
Evan Killick, a senior anthropology lecturer at the University of Sussex, who has studied tribes in the area, said that It is not like they've never had contact with the outside world, they have contact with other groups around there, and they may be befriended to them or married into them.The reason that they're isolated is just because of a history of violence and exploitation.
This is somehow different. This group started a first-ever encounter with the surrounding world themselves.An amazing video released by Brazil's National Indian Foundation FUNAI shows that the tribesmen who live in Peru, requesting bananas from nearby villagers.
Giancarlo Rolando, an anthropologist at the University of Virginia who has studied the tribe explained that one of the young men asks the Brazilian officials, "rani mi mulher?" (where are your women?)
In those videos, it is also seen a young man holding a rifle that apparently was seized from a group of outsiders that went into their territory, she said."As many other Indigenous peoples of Amazonia, these peoples are bow hunters," he added. "
They also plant gardens, the main staple is corn mainly, though they also plant yucca and plantains.In addition, they fish and harvest forest products like mushrooms, fruit, medicinal plants, and palm leaves for roofing.
Their traditional residential pattern is to live on longhouses, built on hill tops. Since it encounter, the Xinane have been relocated by FUNAI agents to a nearby settlement.
In 1987, a Roman Catholic bishop and a nun tried to spread the word of God faced similar situation to that of Chau in the hands of the Waorani, a group of native Amerindians in Ecaudor.
The Washington Post reported at the time that Bishop Alejandro Lavaca and nun Ines Arango were sacrificed by the tribes people violently, as their bodies were pinned to the ground by 21 wooden spears and their wounds stuffed with leaves to stop the blood flowing.
Survival International says that most of the tribe had been contacted then and many have been forced to relocate due to oil exploration on their land.The group has occasionally clashed with the nearby Taromenane which is a small section of the Waorani that has remained uncontacted, especially in 2013, when two Waorani tribes were murdered by a member of the Taromenane group.
Survival International says that many thousands-strong Ayoreo tribe have been contacted and have assimilated into mainstream society.However, the last few members remained isolated and represented the last remaining uncontacted tribe in South America, outside of the Amazon.
In the 1970s, most of the people were sent out from their forests by American fundamentalist missionary expeditions, who have a chance to contact them.Mazower said that several deaths took place due to the diseases in Ayoreo. Disease is a major threat to uncontacted tribes around the world.
As there was no immunity and antibodies in them, most of the deaths were caused due to flu or measles. Also, in the 1980s, many people died of respiratory diseases.Groups like Survival International tried to raise awareness of the plight faced by the little-known tribes, many of them are at risk from plantations, deforestation and violence.
While the Sentinelese are protected by Indian laws which make it illegal to enter their island, most uncontacted people do not have the same fortune, their habitats instead being encroached upon by unwelcome outsiders.
"The most important challenge so far is to protect their land and it essential,” Mazower said.