USA: Detail about ESL programme

In the series on special topics, today we talk about the English as a Second Language (ESL) program in the US.
In the US, many educational institutions offer courses on academic English to students starting their higher education at a college or university. For tourists and immigrants interested in learning the language and culture of the United States, these institutions offer English courses. English language programmes in the United States are also sometimes referred to as “ESOL Programmes,” or English for Speakers of Other Languages.
In the US, English language courses range from beginner-level courses for those who have never studied the language before, to advanced courses for those preparing for academic study or employment in the country. Language programmes may focus exclusively on academic English. Other programs prepare students for specific examinations or for workplace English proficiency.
Students can choose from different types of ESL programs. There are two main types of ESL programmes offered in the United States: Intensive English Programmes (IEP) and American Language and Culture Programmes (ALCP).
Intensive English Programmes (IEPs) can be taken for personal or professional reasons and not for academic credit.
Students may also take these to prepare for admission to a US college or university. Programs of this type offer classes tailored to any level of English proficiency and usually require 20-30 hours of intensive study per week. IEPs are available at both US colleges and universities and at independent English language schools.
ALCPs (American Language and Culture Programmes) are usually taken for academic credit as preparation for, or as part of, a US college or university degree programme. Admission usually requires intermediate or advanced proficiency in English. The purpose of such courses is to improve a specific academic skill, such as reading, writing, or grammar. In addition, ALCPs can help students adjust to campus life and US culture.
Some US colleges and universities offer “bridge” or “pathway” programmes that allow students to build English language proficiency while also earning academic credit towards their degrees and/or that facilitate direct transfer into an academic programme after achieving sufficient language proficiency.
Students interested in ESL programmes should do some research to identify the English language programme that best fits their goals. They should also make sure the programme they are considering is accredited. In next week’s column, we will share information about the accreditation of ESL programmes with our audience
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