Unlock 4 Guidelines Released

With Unlock 3 coming to an end, government on Saturday rolled out new Unlock 4 guidelines that will come into effect from September 1.
According to the new rules, metro services will be operational from September 7, as schools and colleges will continue to remain shut.
Metro services will start from September 1, larger gatherings will be allowed in a limited manner from September 21, while senior students can come to schools on a voluntary basis.
In a statement the MHA said,” Movement by passenger trains; domestic passenger air travel; a movement of a person on Vande Bharat and Air Transport Bubble flights; and sign-on and sign-off of Indian seafarers will continue to be regulated as per the SOPs issued.”
However, cinema halls, entertainment parks, and similar places will continue to remain closed. Social, political, academic, sports, religious and other functions will be allowed with a limit of 100 people as part of the new rules from September 21.
Schools, colleges, swimming pools and indoor theatres will remain closed. This phase, called “Unlock 4”, will be in effect till September 30.