Virus Likely To Keep Coming Back Each Year, Predict Chinese Scientists

Scientists from China has warned that the novel coronavirus can strike again each year like the flu and this might raise many concerns.
It is not likely to be eradicated same as SARS virus was 17 years back. There have been reports of asymptomatic cases in China which does not show any sign of fever.
People infected with SARS virus suffered from severe illness and when the patients were kept under quarantine the virus spread is stopped, which is quite opposite with the COVID 19 virus.
The director of U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci said that the virus could become a season disease now and most likely to affect the countries in southern hemisphere.
Although the virus has been kept under control, still there are reports of many positive cases that are identified by the authorities in the Dragon country China and it is believed that the virus stays longer.
The virus has affected more than 3 million people and has killed over 210,000 in the global pandemic.