As the face of the Hyderabad Marathon, Chiranjeevi

Megastar Chiranjeevi will be visible on the GPS monitoring of the prestigious Hyderabad marathon this year, adding an extra interest to the event. With the August 11th release of Bholaa Shankar, Chiranjeevi's incredible and unceasing journey in the hearts of countless admirers worldwide takes another major step.
An unprecedented event is planned where millions will watch and cheer in jubilation as their matinee idol Megastar Chiranjeevi will be displayed on GPS Tracking through a large rally in and around Hyderabad stretching for nearly 600 kilometres in the wake of such a brilliant dawn on the screen to enthral the world to its glory.
The internationally praised and well-known Chiranjeevi Blood Bank will serve as the beginning point of the pulsing rally on Thursday, according to the communication from the event organisers, and the lavish celebration will start at the most energetic hour of 8am. This is the first time something of this nature has occurred for an Indian movie to date, and it says a lot about Chiru's reputation.