Expert says second H1B visa lottery possible but uncertain.

The H1B visa lottery system can be unpredictable, even though it is a highly sought-after visa among professional workers seeking employment in the United States. The 2023 lottery is over, but there's still time to win! Since there were two additional lotteries after the initial year, it's reasonable to assume that there will be at least one more lottery this year.
Each year, the number of H1B work visas available to foreign nationals is allocated through a random drawing.
How is the second lottery round determined?
The government selects more people than the number of available visas based on a statistical calculation of the number of people who would need to apply to fill the visa quota. It is unlikely that there will be a second H1B visa lottery this year, but it is possible. Due to layoffs, some companies in the IT sector are wary of committing to hiring foreign nationals. Because of the uncertainty, some companies are waiting to see how the market develops before submitting their H1B visa applications.
Despite this, US Citizenship and Immigration Services has the final say on whether or not to hold another H1B visa lottery. (USCIS). According to Khanna's analysis, there was a precedent for a second round of the lottery to be held last year due to large discrepancies between actual results and projections. H1B visa applicants and their employers should keep tabs on USCIS's latest developments so that both parties can take advantage of every step in the application process. Because of the complexity of the H1B visa lottery, any proposed changes or updates should be carefully considered.