KTR Instructs Officials To Take Care Of The Labor

Telangana Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) KTR convened a meeting with the Construction & Builders' association representatives and reviewed the conditions of migrant laborers at construction sites in Hyderabad.
During the meeting, KTR stated that all the construction and infrastructure companies should take care of the migrant laborers who are working at their sites. KTR said that the government is taking care of all the citizens of the state and has instructed the builder community to cooperate and ensure their workers, who came from other states, are being taken care of.
KTR asked the officials at the meeting to keep a close watch on the sanitation levels at the construction sites and also watch out for any Covid-19 symptoms in the laborers.
The minister assured that the GHMC teams and doctors from Basthi Dawakhaanas will be available to assist them medically.
A multi-department team will be in place to assist the construction industry with logistics, KTR said.
A group of daily wagers was earlier reported to have walked over 200 km from Hyderabad to Mahabubnagar as there was no accommodation and other facilities at the worksite. In the absence of transportation, the group decided to walk on foot and reach their respective villages.
"Food, basic amenities, and healthcare needs should be made available," KTR said.