Kirori Singh Joined BJP, Calls Them Inspiring

Gujjar quota agitation leader Kirori Singh Bainsla joined BJP at parties’ headquarters on Wednesday. His son Vijay Bainsla also joined the party I presence of BJP’s Rajasthan-in-charge Prakash Javadekar.
I have seen rarest of rare qualities in Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which inspired him to join the party. The working style, interaction with the common public was an additional point to join the BJP party.
Bainsla added that he is close to the chief minister of both the parties’ Congress as well as BJP- and is accustomed to the working styles of both, adding that he even has known their ideologies.
After seeing both the parties’ he finally took the decision to join BJP.
Javadekar said Bainsla had also met party president Amit Shah in the same morning when Bainsla had taken the decision. Added that with each passing day a stronger party is immerging which will win all the 25 Lok Sabha seats, and that party is one and only BJP.