Public Into More NOTA Votes This Time

Hyderabad: with the elections just a few hours away, the guessing work has already started, as it all depends on the public votes which party would rule for next five years, who would be the next prime minister all these questions have already started to haunt the parties. One more additional reason to worry is a NOTA (none of the above) votes. The public if is not satisfied with the current and not happy with the next in line can choose the NOTA option.
Close to 1.9 lakh voters had exercised NOTA vote option in Telangana in 2014 which is 0.2 % of the total votes. The numbers of NOTA votes polled in the states reveals that it could make a difference in the results of one constituency out of 17.
If the NOTA votes polled were more than majority received by or cast in the favour of independent candidates their fortune would change for sure. However the political parties have a different take in this matter, voters should either vote for the political party or individual candidate, every vote is important so why waste even a single vote on NOTA?