Trump promises H1-B visa - Changes including potential citizenship

The H-1B visa, most sought-after among Indian IT professionals, is a non-immigrant visa that allows U.S companies to employ foreign workers to fill needs not met by the U.S. workforce but is not intended as a permanent path to citizenship for immigrants coming to the United States.
However, a recent tweet by president Donald Trump comes as great news to the H-1 B visa holders the majority of them being Indians.
Trump tweeted "H1-B holders in the U.S can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S".
Immigration reform has always been a centerpiece of the Trump administration. Trump campaigned for president on a promise to crack down on immigrants, who he said took jobs away from U.S citizens. Also during the initial years of his presidency, Trump has made the issuing, extension rules for H-1 B visa quite stringent making it difficult to many. Indians being one amongst those who suffered the consequences. However, the recent tweet by Trump is a relief for many and comes as his known preference to attract and retain the best talent in the U.S.
Amidst the recent controversy on Mexico border where Trump is pushing Congress to fund for building the wall to avoid illegal immigrants and asylum seekers entering the country his recent tweet although not revealing the complete details as to how but opens door to all those applying for H-1 B visas and are highly skilled and also to those who have to wait for a decade to get a green card or citizenship.