477 New Cases In AP On Thursday, Tally Near 11,000

As many as 477 new cases of coronavirus were detected by the Thursday evening taking the state’s tally to 10,884, a day after it crossed the 10,000-mark.
118 people were discharged in the last 24 hours so that the total number of people who have been discharged increased to 4,988 on Thursday. While the active cases stand at 5,760.
A total of 19,085 samples were tested for the virus during the last 24 hours and 69,319 samples have been conducted till now.
New cases were reported from all the 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. Kurnool district reported the highest tally of 72 cases, followed by Guntur with 67 cases, and East Godavari with 64 cases on Thursday.
There have been COVID-19 cases reported among foreign returnees also. On Thursday, 2 samples each were detected from people returning from Kuwait, Kazakhstan, and Bangladesh. There was also one positive case from a UK returnees.