80,000 Indian IT workers with H-1B and L1 visas -currently unemployed are looking for other ways in the US

Due to recent layoffs at businesses like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, thousands of Indian IT experts in the US have lost their jobs and are now scrambling to find new employment within the time frame allowed by their work visas in order to remain in the country.
The Washington Post reports that since November of last year, approximately 200,000 IT professionals have lost their jobs, setting new records at firms including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.
Some industry insiders estimate that between 30 and 40% of them are Indian IT experts, many of whom are in possession of H-1B and L1 visas.
A non-immigrant visa called the H-1B permits US businesses to hire foreign nationals for specialised jobs that need for theoretical or technical competence. It is essential to the hiring of tens of thousands of workers each year from nations like China and India by technology businesses.
Many Indian IT professionals who are on non-immigrant work visas like the H-1B or L1 are currently looking for ways to stay in the US after losing their employment and changing their visa status in order to find a new job within the allotted few months time under these foreign work visas.